Thought provoking Channel 4 film The Watchman explores the power and issues of CCTV through drama
A tale of surveillance gone wrong
The Watchman is a gripping one-off short film drama set during a night shift in a CCTV control room. The dark drama tells the story of a CCTV operator Carl who views the world through a series of screens. Working alone, he has gradually become intoxicated by the power of being the 'all-seeing eye.'
In moment of frustration of being all-seeing but ultimately powerless Carl crosses the line, and intervenes in a situation to which the police are unable to respond due to resource limitations, with serious and far reaching consequences for him and his loved ones.
CCTV misuse and operator behaviour
Anyone familiar or perhaps concerned with the issues surrounding CCTV who sees the drama is likely to find it compelling viewing. Not only does it showcase some of the powerful capabilities of the latest technology, it also raises questions about ethics and the issue of privacy versus security.
There is no doubt that The Watchman raises significant questions about the misuse of CCTV and the behaviour of operators. From the perspective of compliance, the drama would make a good cautionary tale to focus managers, operators and data controllers on best practice.
Take control of CCTV compliance with iC2
Compliance and the ICO/DPA regulations which govern the use of CCTV and the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) it provides is an area in which every organisation operating CCTV needs to take control.
To find out more about how iC2 enables your organisation to take control and focus managers, operators and data controllers on best practice, simply get in touch today.
Click here for Radio Times review of The Watchman (Spoilers!)
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