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Case Study: A safer environment to deliver better learning outcomes for The Leigh Academy

Dec 18 2015

Exemplary safeguarding and the duty of care For many people there is a perception that public sector organisations have to uphold higher standards than their private sector counterparts. In part, this is inferred by the central mission of each. A private business exists to generate profit from servicing customers, whereas a public organisation exists only to serve the needs of citizens and society as a whole.

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Crown Prosecution Service not above The Law when it comes to CCTV compliance

Dec 8 2015

Recorded police victim and witness evidence stolen Today’s CCTV systems are extremely powerful surveillance and monitoring tools, able to identify and track individuals as they move through a monitored environment. Consequently, misuse or careless handling of CCTV images is a significant cause for concern. Privacy campaigners and activists are an important safety valve in helping to ensure the balance between privacy and security remains sensible and relative to the security needs of our times.

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