How Many Robberies Take Place In Retail In The UK? How To Prevent Becoming A Victim?
So-called ‘shoplifting’ is a serious cause of loss and frustration for UK businesses. In the year ending March 2019 alone, police recorded 375,000 shoplifting cases, and this figure is likely to be higher when accounting for those (probably the majority) who aren't caught. One of the main reasons this might happen is an insufficient CCTV and retail security system in many high street shops and supermarkets.
Many shops have one or two CCTV cameras installed already, maybe one monitoring the tills and another overlooking the front door, but are these safeguards sufficient to prevent retail robberies?
Often, no.
It can be difficult to make out facial details with low quality cameras, especially at night or in crowded shops, making it hard to track the perpetrator. Without clear video evidence, the police won’t normally follow-up reports of petty shoplifting, and it can sometimes be hard for shops to recoup their losses through insurance without unambiguous proof that a crime has taken place.
A way to solve this is to consider upgrading to High Definition (HD) CCTV cameras.
Why Upgrade To HD Security?
Being able to see a clear picture of your shop provides clear security benefits for your own team and the police in the event that a crime takes place. Clearly defined, high definition images will make the police's job easier, helping track down any suspicious person more quickly, and facilitating successful prosecutions and loss recovery in court.
Clarity of image is just one reason upgrading to HD is beneficial for catching a thief. Cameras powered by digital HD technology can also be viewed wirelessly on a mobile phone, reducing the delay between a crime being committed and checking the security tape later.
HD cameras can even have inbuilt facial recognition technology installed, further boosting the chances of perpetrators being tracked and caught, even when deliberately trying to obscure or hide their facial features. If word spreads that your shop is covered by this kind of technology, it will serve to deter future incidents from organised shoplifting gangs, who usually target low risk areas with the most minimal CCTV coverage. Criminals will come to realise that trying to steal from you could be more trouble than it's worth.
In addition to HD technology, there is the option for rapid deployment cameras (RDCs), which can be quickly installed in spots designated as potential problem areas, such as access alleyways and poorly lit side streets. These cameras can often be operational within an hour if handled by professional engineers such as our installation team at IC2 CCTV. They are perfect for parts of your premises that don't have an electric mains connection, with battery and solar options available.
Contact Us
Despite the high retail robbery risk in some areas, there are effective methods available to deter or prevent shoplifting incidents from occurring via a good retail security camera system. Please contact our experienced security team today for advice on the best ways to increase security on your premises and safeguard your business against theft.
Image Source: Pexels